Design Culture in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Nintendo’s newest installment in the Animal Crossing series released last Friday, and already the game has proven popular for the sharing of digital designs and artwork!

Within Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the player is given a set of custom design tools that allow them to create designs for clothing, for tilesets to place on the ground, and for paintings.


Upon diving into these tools for the first time, I decided to try and build up my skills with this editor recreating a shirt that I wear frequently!


It’s not as robust as the Adobe suite we’re using currently, obviously, but it hasn’t stopped plenty of people from creating richly detailed designs

or just funny memes:

With the game only out for 4 days at this point, I am excited to see what else people are going to be able to come up with and share with the world!


Note: Screenshots in this post were taken from my own copy of Animal Crossing!

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