Nostalgic Animation

I’ve been watching a lot of horror movies lately. It’s easily one of my favorite genres, but it can also get somewhat tiring. So me and my housemates have been watching a lot of Disney and Pixar lately. The humor is refreshing, stories are entertaining, and the animation is always incredible. The drawing is simple but intricate enough to give amazing detail to the scenes. Right now we are watching Hercules, and I was inspired to look up it’s animation style and if it was unique at all. I ended up finding an article about possible concept art, which is always a fun way for me to look deeper into movies than the public is normally subjected to. The detail in the concept art is pretty cool, and the style of art is actually quite a bit different than the movie. However, the attributes of the characters are similar, and I imagine this can be attributed to the extensive planning Disney goes through when developing stories and characters.

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